COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING: Connecting the Dots, Recognizing the early signs and mitigating the risks

Speech Title: Connecting the Dots, Recognizing the early signs and mitigating the risks.


Depending on the organizational structure, a Project Manager may serve in a dual role, acting as both the project leader and the resource manager. Regardless of the structure, industry or team make up, company leaders rely heavily on the PM to effectively lead, quote end quote, the “dotted line” team members.

We are going to become students of “connecting the dots”. Learning to recognize the early signs of grief, depression, stress, and other mental illnesses within the workplace so that we can begin to build a culture within ourselves to become the advocates, change agents and supporters of mental wellbeing that our team members often find themselves needing.  


Learning Objectives:

1.   Better recognize emotional and mental stress among the dotted lines   

2.   Plan, execute & monitor to proactively mitigate risks within project teams

3.   Become the change agent, create a culture that advocates and supports mental wellbeing


Speaker:  Kathy James

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Kathy James is a mental wellness and ACE awareness advocate, best known for offering mentorship, life skills training, and resources to women and young adults as the Founder of Girl Fight, LLC.

Kathy’s passion to help the community is driven by her past. With the help of many positive influences and her own determination, Kathy was able to overcome generational addictions, deep depression, and raging anger, directly derived from recurring Adverse Childhood Experiences and her own self-sabotaging habits.
Gaining a deep passion for fighting for her personal goals, and despite being undereducated, Kathy went on to grow her skills and to develop a career as a Corporate Leader, Technical Trainer and second-time Entrepreneur, goals she once thought were unattainable. Today, Kathy chooses to make herself vulnerable by sharing stories of her experiences, the knowledge she has gained, and the resources around her to inspire the community to create a culture within themselves, becoming the difference within their own lives and the life of another. 

Event Details

Event Date 02-28-2023 5:45 pm
Event End Date 02-28-2023 8:00 pm
Cut off date 02-28-2023 1:00 pm
Registered 77
Available place 23
Individual Price Free
No. of Business Acumen PDUs .50
No. of Power Skills PDUs .75
PMI Event Number C022ZMAZXC
Location Virtual Meeting

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